Paul Petro Contemporary Art is pleased to present our 20th annual Christmas Spice with this year’s tree by Amy Lam & Jon McCurley a.k.a. Life Of A Craphead. Keith Cole on security opening night!
Paul Petro Contemporary Art
980 Queen Street West
Toronto Ontario M6J 1H1
participating artists: Stephen Andrews, Julie Beugin, Amy Bowles, Leigh Bridges, Churla Burla, Jane Buyers, Keith Cole, Dennis Day, Tom Dean, Maura Doyle, Gary Evans, FASTWURMS, Lindsay Ferriss, Marie Finkelstein, Robert Flack, Karen Frostitution, Sadko Hadzihasanovic, Andrew Harwood, Nancy Kembry, CN Tower Liquidation, Zachari Logan, Olia Mishchenko, Janet Morton, Will Munro, Garry-Lewis James Osterberg, Shannon Partridge, Andrew James Paterson, Sandy Plotnikoff, Mélanie Rocan, Gretchen Sankey, Morley Shayuk, Cole Swanson, Ho Tam, Trixie & Beever, Julie Voyce, Carol Wainio